Villa di Modolo is home to many stories about the past, some little-known but very significant. One of these is the story of the Miari-Fulcis family's stables.
Built in the 1600s, the stables were originally at the rear of the Villa, hidden between a number of farm buildings.
At the end of the 1700s, the layout of the Villa changed. It was extended, assuming its current appearance, and the stables were incorporated into the main garden. Inside, there were five amazing drinking troughs - which can still be seen today - carved from a single piece of red stone in the style of amphora, reflecting the taste of the Miari-Fulcis family for unique items, along with their passion for their horses.
The last of the horses to live in the stables was called Quifrico, a beautiful thoroughbred bay owned by Count Giacomo Miari-Fulcis who was nearly 30 when he died in 1966. A photo of Quifrico with the Count in the saddle along with his future wife - princess Lucrezia Corsini in his arms - currently hangs in the library room.